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Slovenia turned out to be a big surprise in a lot of respects. First of all – there is a lot of bike tourers and a lot of cyclists in general here. Secondly – the nature is even more spectacular than in Austria. Third – the campgrounds are unbelievable expensive in August. And last but not least, the people outside tourist areas are incredible nice and their hospitality overwhelmed us.


One of the most amazing days we had in Slovenia started with a piece of plastic full of shit. After the order for plaques with our logo back in Berlin did not arrive before we left, we were thinking of making some temporary ones ourselves. In Order to save resources and money we were thinking of upcycling things we see on the road. We found the perfect material in a farm – white and durably plastic foil. We asked the farmer if he could spare some pieces and he gave is some scrabs of the foil. What we did not know by then was, that this was the foil farmers use to cover cow shit with it in order for it to ferment into fertilizer.

When we found out we were looking for a river to wash the foil and we found one shortly. While we were washing our “treasure” there we heard someone calling for us. It was a local with his son who became interested in what we were doing there. While we explained, they invited us to rest for a bit and try their home-made beer.


As it was 37 degrees and midday, we got drunk pretty fast so the family did not hesitate to invite us to pitch our tent in their garden. But not only did they let us stay on their property, but they also made us food and made us feel welcome like we were old friends. We used the cycling break to finish our plaques and play with the family’s dog.


In the evening the family had to go harvest potatoes at a relative’s farm so we ask if we can come along and help. As we grew up in Berlin you might imagine that harvesting potatoes was nothing we had done before. We all picked potatoes until the sun was set already and it was impossible to distinguish stones from potatoes. Back home Primoz´ and his wife made a wonderful BBQ for all of us and after that we fell into our tent – tired and incredibly happy.

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