Nappo (Diamant 135) is based on the Trek 520 Disc. Basically it is the same bicycle just with different parts. So far I am very happy with with him, he has a steel frame and the racks (front and back) are very nice and carry my bags stable.
After 4500 kms I had to change the pedals and the tyres and my frame (the "bottle holder pen" which hold the bottle holder) broke, which means that my frame had a crack. I had to weld it, now everything is fine again.
Even though I like Nappo very much, if I had to buy a new bike I wouldn't buy it again.
The landscapes are amazing, the people in Montenegro are nice-ish and the car drivers saw us as an obstacle on the road and they let us felt it.
After this experience, we tried to avoid the main road as best we could and therefore we had to conquer some vertical meters (again 😓). But like always after reaching the peak we got rewarded with a beautiful view. We past Montenegro very quickly and arrived in Albania for a new adventure.